Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s The Better WWE Champion?

Who’s the best WWE champion ever? It’s a hot debate right now. 

In one corner, we have Roman Reigns, who’s been champion for over 1000 days straight. In the other corner, there is John Cena, who won the big title 16 different times. Let’s break down who’s the best!

How Long They’ve Been Champion 

Roman Reigns has been holding onto his title for almost three years straight. That’s crazy long! Nobody has held it this long since Hulk Hogan back in the 1980s. Every time someone tries to beat him, Roman finds a way to win. Whether it’s The Rock’s cousin helping him or just being tougher than everyone else, he keeps winning.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s Really the Better Champ

John Cena did things differently. Instead of one super long run, he won the title 16 times! Think about that – 16 times he was the best in WWE. Sometimes he’d lose the title, but he always fought back and won it again. He tied Ric Flair’s record, which everyone thought would stand forever.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s Really the Better Champ

Making Money For WWE 

When John Cena was the top guy, he was everywhere. Kids loved him. His “Never Give Up” shirts were in every school in America. He sold more t-shirts than any wrestler ever. Parents loved him because he was a good role model. Kids wanted to be just like him.

Roman Reigns sells stuff differently. Since he became the bad guy “Tribal Chief,” people can’t stop watching him. His story with his family (The Bloodline) has made WWE more popular than it’s been in years. 

Both guys made WWE lots of money – they just did it in different ways.

How They Talk To Fans 

John Cena was amazing at talking to crowds. Remember when he used to rap? Even after he stopped rapping, he could still get any crowd excited. He was funny when he needed to be and serious when it mattered. Kids memorized everything he said.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s Really the Better Champ

Roman doesn’t talk as much as Cena. He lets his actions speak louder than words. When he does talk, he makes it count. His famous line “Acknowledge Me” gets people mad every time. He’s got Paul Heyman to do most of his talking, which makes Roman seem even more important.

How They Fight 

Early on, some fans didn’t like Cena’s wrestling. They said he only knew five moves. But over time, he got way better. He had great matches with lots of different wrestlers like AJ Styles, CM Punk, and Shawn Michaels. He proved everyone wrong who said he couldn’t wrestle.

Roman also got better over time. When he started, fans booed him because they thought he was boring. Now he’s one of the best wrestlers in WWE. His matches with guys like Edge, Daniel Bryan, and Jey Uso are some of the best matches in recent years.

Being WWE’s Main Star 

Cena was WWE’s perfect good guy for over 10 years. He visited sick kids in hospitals, went on TV shows, and always made WWE look good. Some older fans got tired of him always being so good, but he never changed because kids looked up to him.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s Really the Better Champ

Roman tried being like Cena – the good guy everyone cheers for. But fans didn’t buy it. So he changed into a bad guy, and now everyone loves to hate him. He showed that sometimes it’s better to be the villain than try to be the hero.

Movies and TV Shows 

Both of these guys have been in movies too. Cena’s been in big movies like “Fast 9” and “Peacemaker” on TV. He showed that wrestlers can be real movie stars too.

Roman’s just starting to be in movies, but he was great in “Hobbs & Shaw.” He looks like a movie star and could be the next Rock if he keeps going.

Different Times In WWE 

When Cena was champion, things were different. He had to take over after big stars like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin left. That’s really hard to do, but he managed to become just as famous as they were.

Roman’s time is different. Now everyone watches wrestling differently. People talk about every match on Twitter and Facebook. They’re harder to please. But Roman keeps proving why he’s the best right now.

Roman Reigns vs John Cena: Who’s Really the Better Champ

How Wrestling Has Changed 

Wrestling’s really different now than when Cena was on top. Back then, stories were simple – good guy fights bad guy. Now with Roman, stories are more like TV shows with lots of twists and turns.

Cena’s big fights were usually about who was better. Roman’s fights are about family drama and betrayal. Both ways work – they’re just different for different times.

Big Matches and Moments 

Cena had so many big moments – winning his first title, beating Triple H at WrestleMania, and his amazing matches with CM Punk. Each time felt special.

Roman’s had different kinds of big moments – turning against The Shield, beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and all his great matches with The Bloodline story. His moments feel more like movie scenes.

Who’s Really Better? 

Here’s the truth – picking who’s better is really hard. It’s like trying to pick your favorite food. Cena was perfect for his time. Kids needed a hero, and he was the best hero ever. Roman is perfect for right now. Wrestling needed something different, and his bad-guy champion role is exactly right.

Both guys changed WWE in their own way. Cena showed you could be good and still be cool. Roman showed that sometimes changing who you are makes you even better.

What do you think? Tell us your favorite memory – was it when Cena first won the big title? Or maybe when Roman started The Bloodline?

Remember, being the best champion isn’t just about how many times you win or how long you hold the title. It’s about making fans care about wrestling. Both these guys did that in their own special way!

So maybe we don’t need to pick who’s better. Maybe we can just be happy we got to see both of them be champions. After all, great champions come in different styles – just like Cena and Roman have shown us!

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